Is Artex hiding danger in your home?

Is Artex hiding danger in your home?  If you’ve purchased an older home, there’s a good chance you might encounter Artex on your ceilings or walls. This textured coating, popular in the 1960s through the 1980s, was frequently used to create decorative patterns in...

What To Do With An Asbestos Garage Roof

If you’ve recently learned that your garage roof has some Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs), or even if you just suspect that this might be the case, you’re no doubt wondering what to do about it. And you’ll be keen to know whether it can be easily removed with...

Does finding asbestos affect your house price?

Asbestos is certainly a word that can worry homebuyers. Asbestos is a naturally-occurring material that was widely used in building construction for many years, especially during and before the 1980s. Despite the fact that it was banned from use in 1999, many homes...

Asbestos in tiles: how to spot it and deal with it

For many years asbestos was considered to be an extremely valuable material. With a wide range of uses thanks to its insulating and strengthening properties, it was used for sound proofing, mixed into cement, and as a constituent part of many coatings and...

Three places asbestos could be hiding in your home

Do you need a Home Buyer Asbestos Survey? If you have lived in the same property for a long time, or even if you have bought a property recently, you might believe that there is no chance that it contains asbestos. However, it should be noted that if a property was...

Asbestos in the workplace – Is There Asbestos In Your Office?

Asbestos was a highly popular product throughout the 1970s and the 1980s as it had a wide range of applications that it could be used for. This included insulation, spray coatings, concrete and more. Unfortunately, the dangers of asbestos were not fully known at the...