Is Asbestos Removal Always Necessary?

Asbestos was a popular building material prior to the 1970s, until it was discovered to be a carcinogen. It’s typically found in duct and pipe insulation, loft insulation, floor tiles and cement asbestos siding. But exposure to asbestos has life-threatening risks...

Does Your Business Need Decontamination For COVID-19?

Businesses are facing a very different landscape in the wake of COVID-19. Things that would have unthinkable just months ago are today a completely normal part of business practice. This has had a huge impact on companies and organisations across the country, from...

What to do if you find asbestos in your workplace?

Asbestos in the workplace can pose a danger to staff and members of the public if it is not dealt with appropriately. Here we provide some top tips for what to do if you believe that you may have found asbestos on your property. Don’t try to deal with it yourself The...

The dangers of asbestos in the workplace

Many people only associate the risk of asbestos with specific jobs such as miners and those in building trades. However, asbestos is a material that was used for a long time for a range of different construction purposes. This means that it can still be found in many...

Is there asbestos in your office?

If you own a businesses with premises or are responsible for any kind of commercial office, you have a duty to manage any asbestos on the property and ensure that the risk of exposure for the people working in them is minimal. If you work in an office it is reasonable...

Your legal responsibilities with asbestos

You are probably already aware of the dangers of asbestos. This substance, widely used in construction until it was banned in 1999, claims the lives of thousands of people every year. But you might not be aware of what your legal responsibilities are when it comes to...