Have you found Asbestos in your property?

Asbestos Re-inspection Surveys

Having regular asbestos re-inspection surveys carried out can be vital if you have asbestos on your property. At Crucial Environmental, we are asbestos specialists with years of experience carrying out surveys, conducting removals and offering advice to clients.

Our recommendations are completely fair and unbiased, providing you with an accurate assessment of the current condition of any asbestos found on your property. Our services offer fantastic value for money, ensuring you receive a cost-effective solution to help you stay in control of your asbestos management. If you would like to learn about the asbestos re-inspection services we offer, please contact us today.

Why Choose Crucial Environmental for
Re-Inspection Surveys?


Nationwide Coverage


Rapid Response Times


Fast Formal Quotations


Highly Competitive Rates


Fully Experienced Team


Residential, Commercial & Industrial

Crucial Environmental specialises in asbestos surveys, licensed asbestos removal for commercial and domestic properties, asbestos waste disposal, asbestos sampling, asbestos consultancy services, asbestos management plans and asbestos remedial project management.

We cover the whole of the UK from our Sussex and Nottinghamshire bases including London, Hampshire, Kent and Surrey, the Midlands and the North of England.

Regular re-inspections

In order for you to continue to comply with regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulation 2012 – the duty to manage asbestos – continual monitoring is required of the asbestos on your property. These should be conducted at regular intervals to give you a full understanding of the condition and rate of deterioration of the material.

After the asbestos re-inspection, we collate the findings and add the details to your existing asbestos file. Together, this is your new asbestos record and provides you with the information you need to rectify issues that require your attention.

Re-inspecting and updating your asbestos file is far more cost effective than re-surveying the premises. We will re-inspect and put in a management plan even if we have not conducted the original survey.

Work estimated to 2 days but it took just one and the company gave a reduction on the quote as it took less than planned.
They did this on their own initiative which was very nice. Excellent job, arrived early and completed way ahead of plan. Left area tidy (including power cables that had to remain).
Courteous and efficient team. Definitely a company to recommend.

Complete demolition and removal of large asbestos concrete garage
Customer in Lewes

Explore the Benefits of
Asbestos Inspection Surveys by Crucial Environmental


Compliance with Regulations: Ensures ongoing compliance with Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulation 2012, which mandates the duty to manage asbestos on your property.


Accurate Assessment: Provides fair, unbiased, and accurate evaluations of the current condition of asbestos, helping you understand its state and potential risks.


Cost-Effective Solution: Re-inspecting and updating your asbestos file is more cost-effective than conducting a full re-survey, saving you money in the long term.


Continual Monitoring: Offers regular monitoring of asbestos, helping you track deterioration rates and maintain an up-to-date asbestos management plan.


Comprehensive Service: Provides a complete range of asbestos-related services, including asbestos removal, waste collection and disposal, air quality testing, and light demolition, eliminating the need for multiple contractors.


Enhanced Safety: Identifies and rectifies potential issues, such as residues left from earlier, less regulated asbestos removal activities, ensuring a safer environment.


Experienced Specialists: Leverages years of experience in asbestos management, giving you confidence in the quality and reliability of the service.

Get More Information
About Asbestos Re-inspection Surveys with our FAQ’s and Articles

What is an Asbestos Survey Re-Inspection?

An asbestos survey re-inspection is a follow-up inspection conducted to assess the condition of previously identified asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in a building. The re-inspection helps ensure that the ACMs are still in a safe state and that any potential risks are managed appropriately.

Why Do I Need an Asbestos Re-Inspection?
Regular re-inspections are crucial to maintaining compliance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, which mandate that ACMs are managed safely. Over time, materials can degrade, and re-inspections ensure that any damage or deterioration is promptly addressed to prevent asbestos exposure.
How Often Should Asbestos Re-Inspections Be Conducted?
The frequency of re-inspections depends on the condition and location of the ACMs, but generally, it should be done at least annually. More frequent inspections may be necessary for materials in poor condition or high-traffic areas.
What Does the Re-Inspection Process Involve?
During a re-inspection, a qualified surveyor will revisit the areas where asbestos was previously identified. The surveyor will visually assess the condition of the materials, check for any signs of damage, and update the asbestos management plan with the latest findings.
Can Crucial Environmental Help with My Asbestos Re-Inspection?
Yes, Crucial Environmental specialises in asbestos survey re-inspections. Our experienced surveyors will conduct a thorough assessment of your property, provide updated reports, and offer guidance on managing any identified risks.
What Happens If the Condition of Asbestos Has Deteriorated?
If the re-inspection reveals that the condition of ACMs has worsened, Crucial Environmental will advise on the best course of action, which may include repairs, encapsulation, or safe removal by licensed professionals to minimise health risks.
What Should I Do to Prepare for an Asbestos Re-Inspection?
To prepare, ensure that the areas previously identified with asbestos are accessible. Inform any staff or occupants of the upcoming inspection to minimise disruptions and maintain safety during the process.
What Are the Legal Requirements for Asbestos Re-Inspections?
Under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, dutyholders (e.g., building owners or those responsible for maintenance) are required to monitor the condition of ACMs regularly and update the asbestos management plan as necessary. Re-inspections help meet these legal obligations.
How Does Crucial Environmental Ensure Compliance with Regulations?
Crucial Environmental adheres to the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and follows industry best practices for all inspections. Our surveyors are trained and accredited, ensuring that our services meet the highest standards of safety and compliance.
How Can I Book an Asbestos Re-Inspection with Crucial Environmental?

You can schedule an asbestos re-inspection by contacting us directly through our website or by calling our office. Our team will guide you through the booking process and answer any further questions you may have.

Why is it important to have regular asbestos re-inspection surveys?

Regular asbestos re-inspection surveys are essential to comply with Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulation 2012. These inspections ensure ongoing monitoring of asbestos on your property, helping you stay informed about its condition and any potential deterioration, which is crucial for maintaining a safe environment.

How do asbestos re-inspections differ from a full asbestos survey?

Asbestos re-inspections are conducted to review the condition of known asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) identified in previous surveys. Unlike a full asbestos survey, which aims to identify all ACMs within a property, re-inspections focus solely on previously identified asbestos to ensure that its condition has not deteriorated and that it remains safe to manage. This process is crucial for maintaining an effective asbestos management plan, helping property owners meet their legal obligations.

Can Crucial Environmental conduct re-inspections even if they didn’t perform the original survey?

Yes, Crucial Environmental can perform asbestos re-inspections even if they did not conduct the original survey. We review the original survey report and use it as a reference during the re-inspection process. Our experienced team will assess the condition of the known ACMs, ensuring that the asbestos management plan remains up-to-date and effective.

What happens after an asbestos re-inspection is completed?

After an asbestos re-inspection, Crucial Environmental will provide a detailed report outlining the current condition of the ACMs. The report will highlight any changes, if maintenance or removal is necessary, and offer recommendations to ensure continued safety and compliance with regulations. If required, we can assist with updating the asbestos management plan to reflect the latest findings.

What additional services does Crucial Environmental offer besides asbestos re-inspections?

Besides asbestos re-inspections, Crucial Environmental offers a range of services, including full asbestos surveys (management, refurbishment, and demolition surveys), asbestos sampling and testing, asbestos removal and remediation, air monitoring, and expert advice on asbestos management plans. Our comprehensive services ensure that all aspects of asbestos management are covered, providing peace of mind and compliance with health and safety regulations.

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