Asbestos Roof Tiles Removal

Asbestos roof tile removal is one of the most common services that we carry out for our clients. We work across the UK, covering much of the South of England from our base in West Sussex, and covering the Midlands and the North of England from our base in Nottinghamshire. Please get in contact with us today if you are interested in learning more about having asbestos-containing roof tiles removed from your property.

Asbestos Roof Tiles Removals

Whether you have just found out that you have roof tiles that contain asbestos, or you are worried that your tiles may contain the material, it’s natural to look into your options regarding removal. At Crucial Environmental, our experienced team have years of expertise in carrying out the removal of asbestos tiles and other asbestos containing materials (ACMs) – we can provide you with any information you need.

Removing asbestos tiles is a job that needs to be carried out under strict conditions in order to avoid any harm from asbestos fibres. The tiles are removed with care and placed into heavy gauge polythene sacks and double bagged. They are then either placed in a locked container during transit or placed into a sealed hazardous waste skip.

Asbestos Roof Tiles FAQs

We receive many questions from our clients about asbestos roof tiles. Here are some of the most common, and the answers to them. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.

Are asbestos roof tiles dangerous?

This depends entirely on the condition of the tiles and what you do with them. Generally, if asbestos-containing roof tiles are in good condition and are unlikely to be disturbed, they are not dangerous to health. Asbestos is typically only dangerous when fibres are released into the air where they can be breathed into the lungs.

Airborne asbestos fibres are a very serious risk to health, however, symptoms for the damage may not appear until many years after exposure.

What do asbestos roof tiles look like?

Unfortunately, the fact is that asbestos roof tiles can look like any other roof tiles. An amount of asbestos was added to tiles in their manufacturing process along with other materials, so the asbestos is effectively invisible. This means that there is no way to tell just by looking at a tile, whether it contains asbestos or not.

If you are concerned about your roof tiles containing asbestos, we can provide you with an asbestos survey to establish whether you have tiles that should be removed.

Can I remove asbestos roof tiles myself?

It is never recommended that you remove any ACM yourself unless you have the specific training and experience to do so. Removing asbestos without understanding the dangers of the material and how to mitigate the risk of exposure can be very dangerous for your health, as it is when asbestos is disturbed that it puts you at most risk.

Contact Us

The team of specialists at Crucial Environment would be happy to discuss potential options with you if you currently have asbestos roof tiles at your property. You can contact us today for a quote for removal or for more information on the range of services that we can provide. Call us directly on 01903 297818 (Southern office) or 01623 711080 (Midlands office) to talk to a friendly member of staff. Alternatively, you can email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.